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    Finished projects,  Projects


    Goal: Monitoring of the sea and shore along outer islands from Istria to Kornati. July/August 2019 We started with NoMorePlastics paddling tour in NP Brijuni at the beginning of July heading south, direction NP Kornati. Paddling along the outers islands of Croatian coast we were mostly orientated to check and reveal the amount of plastic pollution on remote and unpopulated areas of the islands.  With sea kayak we easily access the areas not so easy to reach in general. After thirty days on the sea and after twenty islands, many of them we circumnavigate the situation was alarming. Plastic lids, bottles, toothbrushes, lighteners, parts of fishing gear and equipment, shoes…

  • Ongoing projects,  Projects


    Udruga More bez plastike od 2020. godine provodi projekt pod radnim nazivom „Plus tri“ akcijom čišćenja NP Kornati jednom godišnje. Rad Udruge financira se iz donacija i volonterskim radom članova Udruge.  Ove godine Udruga je prijavila projekt „Plus tri“ na natječaj Radost života koji se financira od strane Uniqe osiguranja, a koji je između velike konkurencije, više od 150 projekata, izabran među 5 kojima je dodijeljen novac. Zahvaljujemo Uniqi osiguranju što je prepoznalo naš rad čime nam je omogućeno uključivanje većeg broja osoba u aktivnosti čišćenja te kontinuiran rad udruge na zaštiti okoliša. Projekt obuhvaća dvije akcije čišćenja, monitoring obale otoka Tovarnjak u NP Kornati, radionica za djecu i odrasle…

  • Finished projects,  Projects


    With the exhibition “Sea of Plastic”, we want to draw your attention to the problem of plastic debris. Plastic is a remarkable material with exceptional properties but plastic litter needs to be properly managed, sorted and recycled. Despite awareness of how to manage; reduce, recycle, reuse, our seas are full of plastic debris.  This exhibition introduces you to the most common marine debris. We’ve added a specification and a story. The exhibition was on display in Rab’s winter cinema from 20 May to 3 June 2022. We ask you to reduce your use of single-use plastics and use others more environmentally friendly solutions.  

  • Finished projects,  Projects


    More than 125 kg of marine debris were collected from Stiznja to Sipnate West part was mainly full of hard plastic, south part was covered with lighter packages, fishing nets, bottles, lids, plastic bags, etc. We see raising awareness of plastic pollution in the marine environment with the involvement of local community as an important part of the solution to the cleaner seas. It was lovely to see the energy and the effort of the children playing with plastic debris in our workshop. We are also very thankful for great contribution of sea kayakers volunteered to be part of the event.

  • Finished projects,  Projects


    Our first event on island Rab, Lopar took place from 24.9.2021 to 26.9.2021. Partners of the project : TZ Lopar, Fishing society San Marino, Smet Umet.  Event itinerary :  Sunday, 25.9.2021 – 10.a.m.-4 p.m. Clean up “No More Plastisc on island Goli” with sea kayaks. Saturday, 26.9.2021 – 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Workshop “Don’t waste waste” for children. More than 100 kg of marine debris were collected on the shore of island Goli. West part was mainly full of hard plastic, south part was covered with lighter packages, bottles, lids, plastic bags, etc. We see raising awareness of plastic pollution in the marine environment with the involvement of local community as…

  • Finished projects,  Projects


    Goal: Monitoring of marine debris in NP Kornati According to the monitoring requirements of the MSFD ( Marine strategy framework directive ) we established monitoring program in NP Kornati.  Because of the limited sources ( financially and workforce ) we started with one location we choose randomly. For now we decided to do a pilot research which will provide necessary data for future monitoring actions. Tasks we need to proceed : We need to draw a conclusions about the trends and amount of litter to get the indications of influence and potential harm of litter to fragile marine environment. Goals we need to reach: Four monitoring actions every year (summer,…

  • Finished projects


    We successfully finished short Superheroes vacation in NP Kornati. Clean up took place on two locations, island Tovarnjak and island Smokvenjak. All together we gather 72.50 kg of marine debris.  We were a little bit short of time for successfully fill the plan of our other activities. Some we managed; movie night was amazing and full of fun as well evening paddling. Some we left for next time. Thank you all who participated, it was lovely and productive weekend!  

  • Finished projects,  Projects


    Goal: Clean up of islands Zornik, Suščica and Borovnik in NP Kornati August 2020 Our second traditional event Kornati full of plastics took place between 13.8.2020 and 16.8.2020. This time we chose the small islands in Kornati archipelago that are almost impossible reach by boat due to their rocky shoreline. It was clearly visible that no one cleaned these islands for years. We collected 31 bags of marine debris in harsh terrain in four small clean ups, all together 68 kg of plastic waste. Besides regular huge amount of lids, lighteners and other typical plastic waste we were also dealing with high volumes of EPS waste (expandable polystyrene). EPS products…

  • Finished projects,  Projects


    As part of the project Plus3 in National park Kornati small clean up was organised in July 2020. Single use plastic waste is a big threat to marine life. Our clean ups are just a small part on the way to preservation and establishment of clean marine environment.  In cooperation with NP Kornati and Blue bag project we collected: island Tovarnjak 40 kg, island Kornat-Blue bay 182 kg, island Smokvenjak 30 kg, island Kornat-Zakrče bay 70 kg, island Mana 25 kg and on island Lavsa 15 kg of marine debris. Prevailing plastic waste are: plastic bags, lids, packagings, shoes, toothbrushes, lighters, fishing gear and ropes. Worrying amount of micro plastics…