Goal: Monitoring of marine debris in NP Kornati
According to the monitoring requirements of the MSFD ( Marine strategy framework directive ) we established monitoring program in NP Kornati.
Because of the limited sources ( financially and workforce ) we started with one location we choose randomly. For now we decided to do a pilot research which will provide necessary data for future monitoring actions.
Tasks we need to proceed :
We need to draw a conclusions about the trends and amount of litter to get the indications of influence and potential harm of litter to fragile marine environment.
Goals we need to reach:
Four monitoring actions every year (summer, autumn, winter, spring).
Beach visual protocol will be used on island Tovarnjak.
Litter items categories :15
The unit in which litter is assessed will be weight and number.
The litter collected will be properly disposed by employees of NP Kornati.
Data management, analysis and reporting will be established.
Establish “Marine litter watch”, a mobile tool to collect beach litter data