Goal: Establish a clean marine environment in fragile area of NP Kornati.
After a month of paddling and monitoring the sea and the shore in 2019, from Istria through Kornati we recognised the need to do some actions and stop plastic pollution. Development of the Project should go on in to direction how to expand the idea along Croatian coast, especially on the islands.
Project idea
Increasing amount of marine debris along Croatian cost become a huge environmental issue. The amount of plastic waste on the islands as well as in the sea is a task we need to deal with. The excessive use of plastic, especially single use plastics become a big threat to marine life and environment in general.
We are aware that the problems are not only tourist and local population but also fishing nets and marine debris but with “Plus3″ project we deal with the influence of tourism according to single use plastics pollution and contribution of local restaurants in the area.
Target audience
We would like to reach: private visitors of the Park, Charter companies, providers of daily tours in Kornati NP ( big tourist boats ), other companies providing sailing, sea kayaking, diving and hiking trips in NP, local providers of tourist accommodations and restaurants.
Tasks we need to proceed
To define visitors/users of the area of NP Kornati which are using single use plastics with their activities.
Establish the amount of plastics they use and find solutions how to replace it.
Involve tourists in the Plus3 project.
Involve local people and restaurants to abandon single use plastics as straws, coffee spoons and other things through workshops and other field activities.
Monitoring of marine debris.
Clean ups.
Develop a supportive app to follow the data from previous activities
Goals we need to reach
The Plus3 project is not only about to take three additional pieces of plastic waste with you but also to follow three rules :
– Do not bring any single use plastics to NP Kornati.
– Do not dispose any plastic waste in NP Kornati.
– Take additional three items you find in the area of NP Kornati with you.
The important part of introducing the problem of single use plastics is not only involvement of tourists and local people but also the involvement of NP Kornati as a leading institution in the area.